Eureka! festival
On the 29th of November 2015, the Eureka! festival (text only in Dutch) took place in Amsterdam. This festival promotes research and fosters interest in the scientific process among its visitors. Our project was represented at this festival by Ruud Jacobs. By setting up several persuasive games to be played on site, Ruud showed the

A Breathtaking Journey
During the Dutch VR Days (October 29th – November 1st, dutchvrdays.nl) we premiered “A Breathtaking Journey”, a short interactive virtual reality experience, created by Martijn Kors and Cas Ketel. The experience places the player in the shoes of a refugee who is fleeing from a war-torn country in his/her struggle to escape the increasing violence
Game research in Puerto Rico
In May 2015, the International Communication Association (ICA) held its annual conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ruud Jacobs, Julia Kneer and Jeroen Jansz represented the PGIC team. Our research fell in fertile ground. Ruud’s paper on The Reception and Influence Persuasive Games was part of a panel that also included research on other ‘games
Persuasive Gaming at the DiGRA Conference 2015
As the Digital Games Research Association’s conference of May 2015 descended on Lüneburg, Germany, several members of the Persuasive Gaming in Context team presented their work. The objective of this DiGRA conference was to showcase interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of games and play. The largest contribution made to the conference program by our team
European Summerschool in Game Research at Utrecht University
The PGiC group is co-organizer of the European Summerschool ‘Identity and Interdisciplinarity in Games and Play Research’. Our members will also be contributing with two keynotes and two workshops on the topic of persuasive gaming. The first interdisciplinary European summer school in game and play research will take place 17-29 August 2014 at Utrecht University