Persuasive Gaming in Context Closing Conference
The Persuasive Gaming Conference (PGC) was the closing event of the “Persuasive Gaming in Context” research project. The PGC will took place in Amsterdam on 15 October 2017, connected to CHI PLAY 2017.
This conference was concerned with the characteristics, design principles, and effectiveness of persuasive gaming. Thus far, combining the contributions of different theoretical traditions have been rather uncommon in Persuasive Game Studies. In this conference, we critically integrated what has been accomplished in separate research traditions. In it, contributions from different disciplines helped to reflect on how gaming practices combine the dissemination of information with attempts to engage players in particular behaviors and attitudes. See complete programme here.
Symposium: “Ecogames: Game Research meets Sustainability”
PGiC was involved in the organization of the symposium Ecogames: Game Research meets Sustainability, in which game designers and scholars from a variety of disciplines came together to discuss the impending impacts of climate change and possible ways to counter this.
Validation Miniconference
As part of efforts to push the field of persuasive games research forwards, the PGiC team hosted an academic event on Friday the 20th of May, 2016 that was geared towards the validation side. At the Erasmus University, 18 researchers from different countries gathered to discuss how best to channel efforts to validate persuasive games.
European Summerschool in Game Research at Utrecht University
The PGiC group is co-organizer of the European Summerschool ‘Identity and Interdisciplinarity in Games and Play Research’. Our members will also be contributing with two keynotes and two workshops on the topic of persuasive gaming. The first interdisciplinary European summer school in game and play research will take place 17-29 August 2014 at Utrecht University